Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chocolate Walnut Microwave Mini-Cake

In a hurry try this one minute or less recipe and get a mini- one serving cake that taste like a brownie but without all the carbs.


1 Egg
2 T cocoa powder
1/2 c Splenda
2 Tb Atkins bake mix
2 Tb Melted Butter
Walnuts(to taste)


Mix egg, melted butter, and Atkins bake mix together. add cocoa powder and splenda, add walnuts, if using.
bake in a cereal size microwave bowl, or a cup will do, for one minute or less.

Nutritional information, per serving.

Calories: 556
Carbs: 22
Fiber: 5
Net Carbs: 17
Protein: 23
Fat: 45

True carbs=12g